Sunday, July 10, 2016

A-Listers Win Cash at Business Plan Competition

Team PURE led by A-Listers Michael Wulfstat (Team Captain), Aida Yestayeva, and Dominique Pyka

Huge congratulations to the Kendall College students who earned a spot in the finals and ultimately took Second Prize and a total of $5,000 in the Laureate McGuire International Business Plan Competition!

Kendall was represented by an amazing team, led by A-Listers Dominique Pyka, Michael Wulfstat (Team Captain), and Aida Yestayeva.

The team created a hypothetical business called PURE, which would rescue ugly food from farms where it would otherwise be discarded, and deliver it to food deserts via cool vending machines. The business would thus address two important US issues: food waste, and hunger.

Award Celebration Dinner!
Standing: team member Aida Yestayeva, team captain Michael Wulfstat, Dean Rob Watson, team member Dustin Freund, Professor Ted Mandigo.
Seated: Provost Agueda Benito, team member Dominique Pyka, yours truly team co-mentor Valerie Beck, team co-mentor Cindy McCarthy.

The team was mentored by Kendall Core Contributing Faculty members Cindy McCarthy and yours truly, and we and the administration could not be more proud of Team PURE!